Geek Logbook

Tech sea log book

Django Jinja Isn’t a thing

I was reading about Jinja and an article on Wikipedia caught my attention: Jinja (template engine) At the beginning I read: Jinja is similar to the Django So, Django Jinja and Jinja projects are different? I don’t think so because, in the same article, the sources point to the Jinja2 documentation. And this also happens in the Django article

50projectsIn50days – Day 2: Progress Steps

The projects related to the progress step it is generated by an another script in JavaScript that change the class in the DOM. There are two event listeners in the script and there is a function that update the CSS. So, the new style is following: The project has a an average difficulty and it’s

While you learn while you build it?

The quotation and the necessity of understand what you have done is really important when you try to understand some concepts. For that reason when I found this video: I remember the importance of being someone that trying to understand the concept of the “project based courses”. Because If you don’t know what you have

Using Google Colab to work from with outside data

On stack overflow there is this question I’ve neve made to myself: How can I create a website using google colab [closed] I have my code written in colab. I want to convert this into a website where user gives input and it reaches to the notebook for operations like giving out the output based