Geek Logbook

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Inserting a Student into a Sorted List in Python

When working with sorted lists in Python, it’s essential to ensure that any new elements are added in the correct order. Problem Statement You have a list of student names sorted in alphabetical order, like this: You need to define a function add_student(sorted_list, new_student) that receives a list of names in the format above and

Ensuring Type Safety in Python Functions

When writing Python functions, ensuring that the parameters are of the correct type is crucial for robust and error-free code. In this post, we’ll explore how to enforce type checks in a function to ensure it raises an error if the parameter is not of the expected type. The Problem Consider a simple function that

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for Data

Introduction In the realm of data management and analysis, problems can range from data quality issues to processing errors and performance bottlenecks. Identifying the root cause of these issues is crucial for ensuring data integrity and reliability. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a systematic approach to uncovering the underlying causes of data problems and implementing

How to Aggregate Values by Date and Sum Them in Python

Problem Statement Suppose you have a list of transactions or events, each associated with a date and a numeric value (e.g., sales amount, transaction amount). Your goal is to aggregate these values by date and calculate the total sum for each date. Solution Approach We’ll use Python’s dictionary data structure to achieve this. Dictionaries allow