Geek Logbook

Tech sea log book

How programming has changed over the years by Peter Norvig

Continue the Peter Norvig series. The first post was about: What Peter Norvig Learn about ‘Industrial Programming’? now it’s time to talk about the way of learning to work on a team during the time. Seibel: Do you think that learning to work on teams that way also enables you to actually work on bigger

What Peter Norvig Learn about ‘Industrial Programming’?

Peter Norvig is known for his technical abilities, for his degree and for being the Director of Research at google. But, he also made a big contribution to the learning discussion about how to learn to program. His famous essay: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years. Blogged here: Peter Norvig Paper: Oh shinny! antidote is

Joe Armstrong and the importance of the writing skills

Besides the opinion of Joe Armstrong about What Joe Armstrong did to be a better programmer? and Joe Armstrong and the Print Statements he also has an interesting opinion about other skills not related to programming but which are such a wonderful tool to have, a very strong nice to have we could say. Seibel:

Joe Armstrong and the Print Statements

Following the Joe Armstrong quotes, there is one about the print statements. Seibel: What are the techniques that you use there? Print statements? Armstrong: Print statements. The great gods of programming said, “Thou shalt put printf statements in your program at the point where you think it’s gone wrong, recompile, and run it.” Then there’s—I

What Joe Armstrong did to be a better programmer?

Joe Armstrong the co-designer of Erlang was asked about what he did in order to improve as a programmer. Seibel: Is there anything that you have done specifically to improve your skill as a programmer? Armstrong: No, I don’t think so. I learned new programming languages but not with the goal of becoming a better

Joshua Bloch and the religion about the computer languages

Continuing the ideas that Joshua Bloch gave us, that has started on this post: Joshua Bloch and his tier list of book here we can see an interesting one: Seibel: Why do people get so religious about their computer languages? Bloch: I don’t know. But when you choose a language, you’re choosing more than a

Scraping Whale Alerts

Following the questions about Whale-Alert first post. The whale alert page provides interesting information about whales, in the cryptocurrency argot it’s a transaction above certain amount of money. These are the transactions which are above a certain level of price. You can see this information on their webpage However, I wonder how many bitcoins,

Joshua Bloch and his tier list of book

Joshua Bloch a software engineer related, contributor and (in some way) evangelist of Java has been asking at the time Coders at Work was published about the books of every programmer should read. Seibel: Are there any books that every programmer should read? Bloch: An obvious one, which I have slightly mixed feelings about but

Brendan Eich and the age of the programmers

The creator of JavaScript, Brendan Eich was asked about the programming languages and the time Seibel: Do you feel at all that programming is a young person’s game? Eich: I think young people have enormous advantages, just physiological advantages to do with the brain. What they don’t have is the wisdom! You get crustier and