Geek Logbook

Tech sea log book

What $ in shell scripts means?

In this video: I saw the weird symbol: When I’m start looking about it on the internet I discovered that a lot of people has asked, and answered the question for a long time. As you can read in these question and its answer: This code is useful in order to know the exist status

SODA: Connect to SQL Server

After deciding to install SODA to make your quality check you have to connect the data source to SODA. We are going to see how to connect soda to Microsoft SQL Server. Remember that this is a tutorial in order to use, in an easy way the SODA quality check tool on your machine .

TOX: First steps

Tox is a tool for Python testing. I’m doing my first steps because I found it in the project: Faker, which is: Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.  Faker Git Hub repository If you want an interesting video explanation about that you can see anthony explains #043 You can install it

ASTRONOMER: Install on Windows

Install Astronomer is quite simple In windows you have to follow the following steps: 1 – Install docker Go to the docker’s webpage, download the executable and install it. Installation succeeded 2 – Install Linux on Windows with WSL As you can see on the Microsoft documentation you have to run on PowerShell the following

How to be a lead by Dan Ingalls

Daniel (Dan) Ingalls is one of the creators of Smalltak. Other interesting development of engals was the Context Menu Seibel: Do you have any tips on how to be a good technical leader? Ingalls: The first thing is being clear about what you’re trying to do. The job is to get a clear vision. If

The language nowadays are easier? Guy Steele’s answer

Seibel: Do you think languages are getting better? You keep designing them, so hopefully you think it’s a worthwhile pursuit. Is it easier to write software now because of advances that we’ve made? Steele: Well, it’s much easier now to write the kinds of programs we were trying to write 30 years ago. But I