Geek Logbook

Tech sea log book

50projectsIn50days – Day 19: Theme clock

The clock container has several classes that referes to the clock elements: needles, hours, minutes and seconds: We even can find a button wich produce a Dark mode in the clock: But let focus in the clock. Because the interesting part of this idea is that the remarkable difficulty to think how to do it

50projectsIn50days – Day 17: Movie App

The movie app needs you create an account in the movie db beacuse you need this access to get the data The new part in this path is the oner related to take information from another services, in this case a movie information provider. This information is obtained using the function getMovies(url) Using the fetch

50projectsIn50days – Day 15: Counter

A page which load three values that are hardcoded in the HTML tag: Each one with a class “counter” will be selected and for each one an inner text will be added as Zero and will be aded an increment up to the target (which is located in the data-target) is reached: The functions call

50projectsIn50days – Day 13: Random Picker

A text area where you add a number of elements divided by comma. Then, when you press enter the you’ll see a simple animation and a, in yellow, the chosen one. The text area in index.html is where you’ll add the text And the relevant Style are related with the elements: tag and tag.higlight Let’s

50projectsIn50days – Day 12: Faq Collapse

One of the most typical features we can find in a web page is the Frequently asqued questions. There are in many ways: Fixed, floating and, as we can see in this case, collapsed In a big faq container we have each container as you can see in the following bunch of code: The sinfle