Geek Logbook

Tech sea log book

The elements of programming style: Program Structure

Chapter 4: Program Structure Most programs are too big to be comprehended as a single chunk. They must be divided into smaller pieces that can be conquered separately. That is the only way to write them reliably; it is the only way to read and understand them.  Subroutines, functions, and procedures are the “modules,” or

The elements of programming style: Control Structure

Chapter 3: Control Structure A computer program is shaped by its data representation and the statements that determine its flow of control. These define the structure of a program. There is no sharp distinction between expression and organization.  The control structures of a language provide the framework of a program. These include decision-making with IF

The elements of programming style: Expressions

Chapter 2: Expressions Writing a computer program eventually boils down to wanting a sequence of statements in the language at hand. How each of those statements is expressed determines in large measure the intelligibility of the whole; no amount of commenting, formatting, or supplementary documentation can entirely replace well expressed statements. After all, they determine

The elements of programming style: Don’t Be Too clever

Preface to the Second Edition The practice of computer programming has changed since The Elements of Programming Style first appeared. Programming style has become a legitimate topic of discussion. After years of producing “write-only code,” students, teachers, and computing professionals now recognize the importance of readable programs. There has also been a widespread acceptance of

Dijkstra: The Humble programmer

Dijistra wrote some interesting things about the activity of programmer. In this opportunity I’m going to make some quotations and notes about the article: The humble programmer Rules “discovered” for the creation of software A number of rules have been discovered, violation of which will either seriously impair or totally destroy the intellectual manageability of

Coders at Work

Coders at work is a series of interviews made by Peter Seibel in 2009 where different programmers talk about their views about the technology, development, how they work as a programmer and the environment where people in tech works. The general overview of this book is really good because if you read it, you’ll learn

While you learn while you build it?

The quotation and the necessity of understand what you have done is really important when you try to understand some concepts. For that reason when I found this video: I remember the importance of being someone that trying to understand the concept of the “project based courses”. Because If you don’t know what you have

People in tech are aware of history? Donald Knuth

Seibel: Do you feel like programmers and computer scientists are aware enough of the history of our field? It is, after all, a pretty short history. Knuth: There aren’t too many that are scholars. Even when I started writing my books in 1963, I didn’t think people knew what had happened in 1959 I was