Geek Logbook

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Implementing a Strong Identity Foundation in AWS: Best Practices and Implementation Patterns

In any cloud environment, ensuring a strong identity foundation is paramount for maintaining security and compliance. AWS offers a range of tools and services to help you implement the principle of least privilege and enforce separation of duties. In this blog post, we’ll explore best practices and implementation patterns for achieving a strong identity foundation

Elements in the JSON Policy Structure in IAM

Identities in AWS In AWS you manage access by creating policies and attaching them to an identity. The way that AWS thinks of the elements which interact with them is through IDENTITIES or AWS RESOURCES. The distinction is relevant because we need to break the conception of users. This identity centric way of working can

The AWS Well Architected Framework

Discover how to effectively design, utilize, and manage workloads in the cloud by translating requirements into architecture and operations while adhering to best practices. The Six Pillars: Source

Data Encryption at AWS S3

What is Encryption at rest? Encryption works by using an algorithm to convert plain text into ciphertext. This new ciphertext will be unreadable if it falls into the wrong hands. There are many encryptions’ processes. To decrypt the sensible information, you need the key. The encryption algorithm uses a key to encrypt the data and

Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Theory Users must be authenticated before they can access AWS services and Resources.  AWS services can be accessed via You can create: By default, your users can’t access anything in your account. You need to granted permissions by creating a policy. Steps: IAM policies may also be assigned to an IAM Role. A role does

Understanding Distributed System – Maintainability

Introduction It’s widely recognized that the bulk of software costs arise after its initial development in maintenance tasks like bug fixes, feature additions, and day-to-day operation. Therefore, it’s crucial to build systems that are easy to modify, extend, and operate, ensuring they remain maintainable over time. Robust testing, including unit, integration, and end-to-end tests, is

Understanding Distributed System – Resiliency

Introduction Chapter 24 – Common Failure Causes Chapter 25 – Redundancy Redundancy, the replication of functionality or state, is a critical defense against failures. When replicated over multiple nodes, functionality or state can be maintained even if a node fails. This redundancy not only enhances availability but also enables horizontal scaling, as discussed in Part

Understanding Distributed System – Scalability

Introduction Scaling an application involves maintaining performance as load increases. The long-term solution for increasing capacity is to architect for horizontal scalability. In this section, we’ll explore scaling a simple CRUD web application called Cruder, consisting of a single-page JavaScript application communicating with an application server via a RESTful HTTP API. The server uses local

Understanding Distributed System – Coordination

Introduction Our ultimate goal is to build a distributed application consisting of a group of processes that gives its users the illusion they are interacting with one coherent node. While achieving a perfect illusion may not always be possible or desirable, some degree of coordination is always needed to build a distributed application. Chapter 6