Geek Logbook

Tech sea log book

The AWS Well Architected Framework

Discover how to effectively design, utilize, and manage workloads in the cloud by translating requirements into architecture and operations while adhering to best practices.

The Six Pillars:

  1. Operational Excellence
    • Perform operations as code
    • Maintain annotated documentation
    • Implement frequent, small, reversible changes
    • Continuously refine operations procedures
    • Anticipate failure
    • Learn from operational failures
  2. Security
    • Establish a strong identity foundation
    • Enable traceability
    • Apply security at all layers (Defense in depth)
    • Automate security best practices
    • Protect data in transit and at rest
    • Minimize human access to data
    • Prepare for security events
  3. Reliability
    • Automatically recover from failure
    • Test recovery procedures
    • Scale horizontally for increased system availability
    • Eliminate guesswork from capacity planning
    • Manage change through automation
  4. Performance Efficiency
    • Utilize computing resources efficiently
    • Maintain efficiency as demand and technologies evolve
    • Democratize advanced technologies
    • Enable global reach in minutes
    • Utilize serverless architectures
    • Increase experimentation frequency
    • Employ mechanical sympathy
  5. Cost Optimization
    • Adopt a consumption-based model
    • Measure overall efficiency
    • Eliminate spending on data center operations
    • Analyze and attribute expenditure
    • Utilize managed services to reduce cost
  6. Sustainability
    • Understand environmental impacts, particularly energy consumption
    • Establish sustainability goals
    • Maximize hardware and software utilization
    • Anticipate and adopt new, more efficient offerings
    • Utilize managed services
    • Reduce the downstream impact of cloud workloads



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