Geek Logbook

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Building a Lucrative Business Model in the Data Economy

Building a Lucrative Business Model in the Data Economy

Introduction: In today’s data-driven world, information is akin to a gold mine. However, to fully capitalize on this valuable resource, one must possess the right tools and skills. In this blog post, we will explore a comprehensive business model tailored for the data economy.

Page 2: “Turning Data into Profits”

  1. Collection and Supply:
    • Leveraging tools like Pentaho for web scraping to extract and sell price data.
    • Partnering with data providers like Datasiftf or other reputable sources for a steady supply.
  2. Storage and Hosting:
    • For instance, consider storing data for regulatory purposes with platforms like Loggly.
  3. Filtering and Refining (Subtraction, Correction, Normalization):
    • Implementing robust datasets that eliminate or rectify erroneous records, particularly beneficial for online services that rely on end-user input.
  4. Enhancement and Enrichment (Prioritizing Addition over Subtraction or Normalization):
    • Utilizing resources like Google Maps to merge datasets and enhance overall quality.
  5. Streamlining Access:
    • Streamlining the process of collecting, segmenting, substringing, and cleaning raw data behind an API.
  6. Analysis:
    • Distinguishing between external data sources, internal proprietary data, and opportunities to analyze and monetize intermediate data.
  7. Data Usage Rights:
    • Clearly defining whether data is free to view, use, or navigating the ethical gray areas between legal compliance and moral stance.
  8. Business Concerns:
    • Addressing pricing strategies and maintaining a keen economic outlook to ensure profitability. Additionally, emphasizing the importance of creating prototypes for testing and refinement.

Conclusion: With the right approach and a well-structured business model, navigating the data economy can be a lucrative endeavor. By focusing on data collection, refinement, analysis, and ethical considerations, businesses can effectively leverage this invaluable resource. Remember, in the data economy, success lies not just in possessing data, but in knowing how to wield it effectively.


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