Geek Logbook

Tech sea log book

Brendan Eich and the languages over time

The creator of JavaScript, Brendan Eich was asked about the programming languages and the time Seibel: In general do you feel like languages are getting better over time? Eich: I think so, yeah. Maybe we’re entering the second golden age; there’s more interest in languages and more language creation. We talk about programming: we need

How Douglas Crockford detects the talent

Douglas Crockford, well known because he was the first person who specified the JSON format was asked about the question of detect the talent in a programmer. Seibel: When you’re hiring programmers, how do you recognize the good ones? Crockford: The approach I’ve taken now is to do a code reading. I invite the candidate

Three ideas to consider to develop a microservice

In the post about: Is microservice architecture the silver bullet? we can find the explanation about why is not a good idea the microservice architecture to the following applications: We define low-latency activity as strategies that respond to market events in the millisecond environment, the hallmark of proprietary trading by high-frequency traders though it could

Jamie Zawinski in Coders At Work

Jamie Zawinski is known about some things he has created. But, besides that, when he was asked about how he see himself he gave a really interesting answer: Seibel: That brings me to another of my standard questions: do you, as a programmer, think of yourself as a scientist or an engineer or an artist

What is programming?

‘ve finished reading “Coders at work” a series of interviews between @peterseibel and well-known programmers/coders/(etc). The first edition was in 2009. And in the preface you can read: Yet despite the millions of people who have written code, and the billions, if not trillions of lines of code written since the field began, it still

Python calculate seconds and total_seconds

If you want to calculate the total seconds between two dates. You could be tempted to do a time delta and see the seconds. But this approach will give you an unexpected result. You have to use time_second. Return the total number of seconds contained in the duration. Source:

What is an ‘Ephemeral cluster’?

When you create a service to compute, for example in HD-Insight you can create a cluster which remains active once it’s created or, in the other hand, stop (will be ‘deleted’) after some amount of innactivities. If you, like me, your first approach was with the Azure Service you’ll notice that the name if the

Peter Norvig Paper: Oh shinny! antidote

Dark Knights In the TED talks The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds One of the comments that Linus Said was: Edison may not have been a nice person, he did a lot of things — he was maybe not so intellectual, not so visionary. But I think I’m more of an Edison than a Tesla. Linus Torvals So

Logger In python – First Approach

Besides using the print statements and the debugging tools sometimes (more and more frequently) I’m seeing in the code the logging module. According to the python documentation: This module defines functions and classes which implement a flexible event logging system for applications and libraries. The key benefit of having the logging API provided by a