Geek Logbook

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How to Create a Date Table in Power BI Using DAX

Introduction In Power BI, a Date Table is essential for working with time series data effectively. A well-structured Date Table simplifies time-based analysis, allowing you to filter by specific periods, calculate year-over-year changes, and much more. This guide will walk you through creating a Date Table from scratch using DAX. 1. What is a Date

Creating a Custom Column with SWITCH in Power BI

In Power BI, creating custom columns based on multiple conditions is a powerful way to enhance the analysis and presentation of your data. One of the most versatile functions for this purpose is SWITCH, which allows you to apply different transformations or categorizations based on specific values in another column. In this blog post, we

Creating a Custom Column with a Random String in Power BI Using DAX

Introduction In Power BI, customizing your dataset by adding calculated columns can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities. One common need is to generate random strings or categories for testing purposes, simulating scenarios, or assigning values like branch names, IDs, or categories to your data. In this post, we’ll explore how to create a custom